ODP Blog - Ultimate Chobe Safari: A Congregation of Birds Fishing in One Spot
We set out for nesting (and nest-making) storks this morning. This area was downstream of the national park and nearer to some rapidly moving water, so a more experienced pilot was brought on board.

It was the last day of Pangolin Ultimate Chobe for most of us. After another meal at The Old House, ODP's Ben Cranke got me to the nearby airport. There I met up with the Botswanan driver for my road transfer to Victoria Falls, arranged through Afrizim.

The crossing at the Kazungula Border Post was a little slow and tense. I had run out of US cash paying out tips, but fortunately had R300 for the single-entry visa that Zimbabwe requires of yankees. Brits get to pay an additional R250. Cash only, but they'll take dollars or rands. (I would liked to have used a Visa to buy my visa, but that poetry was not to be.) The wait was unjustifiably long, but it's usually a mistake to be in a hurry in Africa.
With visa securely in passport, we loaded into our second van to finish the drive to Victoria Falls.
I checked in and settled into The Kingdom at Victoria Falls.
The Kingdom website
Things are expensive in Vic Falls and I don't recall eating any food that was particularly tasty in Zimbabwe.
My keepers from
Chobe River Day 5.
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