The link below will convey your browser to the YouTube video that is a QuickTime export of the multimedia Keynote slideshow I unleashed on my relatives during the holidays. Sight, sound, and motion, but without a soundtrack, so it's not a proper "entertainment" video. When I show it, I provide bits of narration where helpful.
Titling the preso, "My Wildest Dreams" plays on the fact that this may well be the most complex and robustly adventurous trip I ever embark on, and the fact that the malaria prophylaxis, Malarone, induces "vivid dreams" in some users. It certainly did for me. Never "vividly good", of course.
My Wildest Dreams: Dean’s African Adventure 2014
June 13 - July 11
1. Machaba Camp, Botswana · June 16-20
Outdoor Photography Safaris
2. Kalahari Plains Camp, Botswana · June 20-23
Wilderness Safaris
3. Chobe Pangolin Photo Safari, Botswana · June 28-July 2
Outdoor Photography Safaris
4. Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe · July 2-4
5. Elephant Plains, South Africa · July 5-9
Outdoor Photography Safaris