Monday, July 20, 2009


Jean came out to California and we motored up to ORegon to see some sights. We spent a day at Silver Falls State Park before heading to the Pacific Coast. 

We spent two days exploring the coast from Newport to Brookings before heading back to Sacramento. 

Then we bounced over to Lee Vining for a visit to MOno Lake. 

From there, we worked our way across Tioga Pass through YOsemite. Unfortunately, the valley was (once again) filled with the smoke of an ongoing fire. Seems to be the summer norm anymore. We revisited Taft Point and the Fissues; I navigated the rest of the Pohono Trail and saw what little was left of the Jeffrey Pine at Sentinel Dome. 

From Yosemite, we drove on to San Francisco. There we met up with Paul and Lillian Hewitt and enjoyed a lovely dinner and lively conversation. We even got a ride in their Prius!

2009 07 ORMOYOSF Photo Album