Sunday, August 15, 2004

Crater Lake Getaway 2004

My everlasting summer, I could see it fading fast. So I grabbed the camera, pointed the PhyzVan north, and headed for the bluest blue I ever knew: Crater Lake National Park in Oregon. Hiked the hills, the rim, and Wizard Island in two days, and poked around the wee town of Prospect looking for photogenic waterfalls.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Yosemite Mono Bodie Summer Getaway 2004

Jean came out for a summertime Sacramento visit and we managed to sneak down to Yosemite, Mono Lake, and Bodie. Unfortunately, part of Yosemite was on fire and the smoke filled the valley and leaked out of the valley into the Mono Basin. Good shots were hard to come by, but we did our best.

2004 07 Yosemite Mono Bodie

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Spring Break Utah! 2004

For Spring Break I was off to Southeast Utah to revisit Arches National Park, Wilson Arch, and Monument Valley, and to get acquainted with Canyonlands, Natural Bridges, Valley of the Gods, Capitol Reef, Newspaper Rock, and the Goosenecks of the San Juan. And I brought my camera along for the ride.

2004 04 Southeast Utah