Monday, June 23, 2003

Hilo Hewitt Hawaii Holiday 2003

My friend Paul Hewitt (author, Conceptual Physics) invited me to his home in Hilo; who was I to turn him down? Paul and Lillian took excellent care of me while I was there. We saw some sights (The Volcano, Waipio Valley, Hawaiian Tropical Botanical Gardens...), Paul introduced me to his friends (the important people on The Big Island), we took in some theater, and we talked physics, teaching, and life in general. I had a great time! You can see the photos at if you do an album search for “phyz.”

2003 06 Hilo Hewitt Hawaii Holiday

Sunday, June 15, 2003

Kings Canyon 2003

Because of an apparent psychological defect, I have a need to be intimidated by my own camera. So I got a Canon EOS 10D digital SLR. With big travel plans looming just a few weeks ahead, I decided I needed to get out of Dodge and learn a few picture-taking basics on this beast of a camera. On a tip from Linsey, I headed to Kings Canyon (east of Fresno, north of Sequoia National Park). The scenery is beautiful; the air quality is not. Yosemite meets LA. Linsey’s eventually gonna fix the air there. Anyway, I snapped what I could on my self-inflicted crash course.

2003 06 Kings Canyon Photo Album