Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Yosemite Mono Bodie - Autumn 2002

I snuck out of town for a weekend getaway to Yosemite, Mono Lake, and Bodie. It was a bit smokey (there was a control burn in progress on the road across Tioga Pass), but the weather was nice and the crowds were surprisingly thick. I made it to Glacier Point, but the trail to Sentinel Dome was too packed to attempt. Proceeded to Mirror Meadow before crossing Tioga Pass to Lee Vining. Unlike what had been the case in March, Lee Vining was mobbed and noisy. There wasn’t a room to be had, so I stayed in Mammoth Lake. Visited the ghost town of Bodie the next morning. Then made the South Tufa loop in the afternoon. Then it was north on US 395 and over Monitor Pass and back to Sacramento.

2002 10 Yosemite Mono Lake Bodie Photo Album